8 Rainy Day Activities for Teens and Tweens

Encourage them to have fun (and be productive)

When little kids are stuck inside on a rainy day, they can run, jump, climb, and even ride their tricycles indoors, if needed. Coming up with fun, non-sedentary, indoor activities for teens and tweens isn't as easy, as the activities that work well for little ones aren't a good fit for long-limbed adolescents.

You can still have a fun, even productive, rainy day at home. Use these practical suggestions to encourage your tweens and teens to get active when the weather has them stuck inside.

Video Exergames


Max Pexel

While you don't want your teen slumped in front of a TV screen all day, motion-controlled video games (exergames) can be a good rainy day alternative to their favorite outdoor activities. While players are still looking at a screen, they must stand and move their bodies to control the action in the game. For the most physical activity, choose a sports simulation or dance game.

Try Something New

Father and daughter hula-hooping

Hero Images / Getty Images

Use a video streaming service, app, or YouTube tutorials to introduce your teen to a new fitness option (for example, try hula hooping or a ballet-based workout). It's even better if you can join them. If not, ask your teen to test out the tech or tutorial for you to get them moving.

Hit the Gym

Working out in the gym.

HeroImages / Getty Images

Dodge the raindrops and take your teen to your gym or community center. Make use of the equipment, run on the track, swim, play pickup basketball, or climb the rock wall.

If you and your teen are both into fitness, take the opportunity to work out side by side or join a class together.

If you don't have a gym membership, ask about day passes or see if you can accompany a friend who is a member. Your local YMCA almost always has day passes available, as well as financial assistance for family memberships.

Stack Cups

Sport stacking champ Austin Naber in 2015
Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

It might look like the makings of a viral social media video, but cup stacking is more challenging than it looks. If you and your teen have never tried sport stacking, check out some how-to videos then try out the classic stacking moves. When you've mastered those, challenge each other to try more advanced variations or make up your own.

Clean House

teen girl doing laundry chores

KidStock / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

Get extra bang for your rainy-day buck by having your teen do household chores. They'll be busy, physically active, and helping the family.

Increase your teen's motivation by giving them ownership of a bigger task such as a making a repair, reorganizing a closet, or painting a wall.

Compensation helps, too. Agree on a financial reward, like a boost in allowance, or an experiential reward like a trip to the movies.

Or, if your teen has been itching to redecorate their space, a rainy day stuck inside can be the perfect opportunity. Up the ante by encouraging them to find old clothes, gadgets, or toys to donate.

Loft a Balloon

Beach balls
PhotoStock-Israel / Getty Images

Younger kids love beach ball and balloon games, but these activities can be fun for older kids, too. These two games are great for older kids. (You might even find yourself tempted to play, too.)

  • Balloon target: Set up a lightweight target, like a ribbon or a paper plate. Then, have each player blow up a balloon, but leave it untied. The goal of the game is for players to deflate the balloon and try to get it to hit the target. At first, stand close to the target, stepping back as your aim improves.
  • Hands-free balloon volley: Divide a room or playing area in half with a ribbon. Place two chairs on either side of the room, tying the ribbon to the backs of each so it's about three or four feet off the ground. Players then propel the balloon back and forth over the "net" like a volleyball—except they have to use their feet, not their hands.

Drill Sports Skills

Photo of a young active woman stretching her hamstrings.
Take a Pix Media / Getty Images

If your child plays a sport, they might be able to spend a day stuck inside working on some of their skills, especially if you have a space that can take a bit of a beating, like a basement, garage, or porch. Soccer and basketball players, for example, can work on dribbling the ball.

Figure skaters can practice their spins with a spin trainer. And no matter how much space you have, or whether you play a sport or not, almost everyone can enjoy a good stretch.

By Catherine Holecko
Catherine Holecko is an experienced freelance writer and editor who specializes in pregnancy, parenting, health and fitness.